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Broadband Update – May 3, 2021

While Kenergy will not be a broadband provider, we have still been working closely with Conexon as they develop their design and buildout in our service territory. Conexon was awarded $21,396,303.60 in the state of Kentucky during the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) auction in 2020.

Kenergy is in the process of developing a work plan for a fiber smart grid buildout. This fiber smart grid will provide real-time communication with our entire system including equipment in the field.

Once completed, Kenergy’s work plan will be submitted to the Kentucky Public Service Commission (KPSC) for its consideration and approval. Upon receiving approval of the work plan, Kenergy will then need to file a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) before any construction can begin.  This process could take several months to complete and is contingent on approval from the KPSC. If the work plan and CPCN are approved, Kenergy would construct the fiber network and enter into a lease agreement with Conexon for the purpose of providing broadband to our members.