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Kenergy Receives Order From Public Service Commission

Contact:         Leslie Barr                                                                            

Phone:            270.689.6158                                     


Date:               October 30, 2020

Kenergy, an electric distribution cooperative serving 14 western Kentucky counties, filed an application for a waiver with the Kentucky Public Service Commission in July. The application was seeking a waiver to provide broadband services to Kenergy members. Kenergy received the Public Service Commission’s findings on October 22, 2020.

“We have received the order and will be taking time to process the information and decisions that the Public Service Commission has given us,” Jeff Hohn, Kenergy President and CEO said. The order approved a part of our application and denied another part, so we will be evaluating our next steps with our board of directors and staff.”

To ensure that our goal is met to get high-speed internet access to our members, deciding Kenergy’s next course of action will take some time and careful deliberation. Kenergy will remain in compliance with the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) quiet period and cannot discuss specific details until January 2021.

“As Kenergy stated from the beginning of this project exploration, there would be many hurdles to make this happen. We appreciate the immense support that we have received so far from our members, various community organizations and elected officials,” Hohn said.

If you would like to read the full order from the Kentucky Public Service Commission, visit and search Case No. 2020-00215.


For more information about Kenergy, please visit or call 800.844.4832.