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Kenergy to Close Lobbies to Public

With the uncertainty created by the COVID-19 pandemic, we know that the people we serve are facing many concerns. Following our cooperative values, Kenergy is dedicated to doing what we can to fulfill our civic duty and live up to the trust that our members place in us to bring them safe, reliable and affordable energy services.

As a cooperative, we have a responsibility to do what is in the best interest of all of our members.

Beginning Thursday, March 19th, we will be closing our lobbies to the public. Members are still able to pay bills, start service and conduct all other necessary business through our free SmartHub app, our website, by mail or by phone. You can also utilize our drive-thrus at our Henderson and Owensboro offices and our night deposit boxes at our Henderson, Owensboro, Marion, Hawesville and Hanson locations. These boxes will be checked daily. Anyone with questions regarding any of these options can call 800-844-4832. We ask that anyone who can do business by phone, to please do so.

This step will allow us to limit the direct exposure of our members and employees. Our service and field personnel will also be employing “social distancing.” Our goal is to decrease the likelihood of illness and resulting work disruptions so that we can continue to provide our members continuity of service.

In addition, we will forego the disconnecting of service to members for non-payment or low funds and suspend late fees for a limited time. While this is not normal procedure, we are sensitive to the well-being of all our members. Though disconnects may not occur, it remains the responsibility of each member to pay as they can, which will help avoid a larger balance in the future. Bills will continue to be sent as usual. We encourage any member who is facing financial difficulty during this time to call us at 800-844-4832.

We always stand at the ready to help our members, but even more so during this challenging time. We understand these changes may be inconvenient, so we greatly appreciate your patience. We believe this preventative measure will reduce the risk for both our members and employees.