Contact: Leslie Neeley 270-689-6158
Kenergy is gearing up for its second annual Socktober campaign.
Kenergy is asking its members and employees to bring in new pairs of socks to donate to those in need. We anticipate a great demand for socks this winter to fit infant through high school-aged children. Warm socks are appreciated as many children walk to school each day or wait in the cold for school buses.
Rummaging through a drawer full of socks is something we take for granted, but some don’t have that luxury.
Why socks? Socks are the most needed, but least donated article of clothing.
Collection Dates – October 1st through October 31st
Members and employees can bring donation(s) to any Kenergy office during the entire month of October. However, the main day of concentrated effort to collect socks will be at our Member Appreciation Day on Thursday, October 4th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at all six Kenergy office locations: Henderson, Owensboro, Marion, Hanson, Hartford, and Hawesville. It is our hope that – on this day especially – members and employees will bring new socks to share the warmth for the upcoming winter season.
Collection Locations — New socks, size infant through adult, may be donated at any Kenergy office.
Distribution – Working mainly through school offices in Henderson, Daviess, Hopkins, Hancock, Ohio, and Crittenden counties, socks will be distributed to Family Resource Centers at schools throughout those counties.
For more information, please visit