Contact: Leslie Neeley
Phone: 270-689-6158
Alamon, a pole inspection contractor for Kenergy, will begin inspecting poles in the spring. Each wooden pole Kenergy owns, or is attached to, will be inspected to ensure there are no hazards. Inspectors check for decay, insects, cracks, holes, age, and any damage members may have caused.
You may see trucks in your area bearing a ‘Kenergy Contractor’ magnet. Inspectors will also have an Alamon picture ID with them. Inspectors will be working during daylight hours only. Don’t be alarmed if you see the contractors parked for a few hours and/or riding from pole-to-pole on an all-terrain vehicle.
Inspection areas include Yager, Lewisport, Hawesville, Weberstown, and part of Sullivan. These inspections will be ongoing until the end of July.
If you suspect something irregular or suspicious, please give us a call at 800-844-4832.
For more information on Kenergy, please visit