Avoid an Energy Spike at Thanksgiving

It’s not unusual for home energy bills to spike around the holidays. Don’t let it happen this Thanksgiving. Right-size your turkey. Buy a bird that’s just big enough to feed your family. Smaller turkeys cook quicker—which saves energy. Don’t pre-heat your oven. It’s not necessary for a turkey, which is going to roast for several…

Save Energy Everywhere – Even at Work

Just because you don’t own the company you work for doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to save energy while you’re at work. Saving energy wherever you use it is good for the environment. The best way to save energy at work is to stop wasting it. Here are some tips: Clear papers, folders and your…

Slay Energy Vampires That Are Wasting Energy

Your home is full of vampires—energy vampires, that is. Energy vampires are electric appliances and devices that continue to use energy, even when they’re turned off. They’re all over your home, and they can suck the life out of your energy bill, accounting for up to 20% of your electricity use. Most Americans now have…

Using Energy Wisely as a Renter

Reducing electricity use as a renter may seem tough when you have little control over the biggest energy users in your place like your refrigerator, dishwasher or heating and cooling system. But there’s still plenty you can do to lower your energy bill without making permanent—or expensive—changes. Follow these tips to reduce energy use in…

Manage Back to School Energy Surge

Even though the kids will be out of the house during the day now that school is back in session, you could see a bump in your energy bills. As the school year begins, busy students will be using the family computer more to write papers and complete school assignments. Shorter days mean more lights…

Spring Break Energy Savings Checklist

Traveling for spring break? Give your electric bill a break too! Check off this list before you start packing: Unplug all electronics – This will prevent unnecessary energy usage and will protect your home against power surges and electrical fires. Invest in a timer – Deter would-be burglars by putting timers on lights in different…

Winter weather means more energy consumption

Because weather has the single largest impact on energy bills, electric bills for December and January can be expected to jump this year. We hope this helps answer some questions you may have regarding your electric bill. Why is my bill so high? High bills are the direct result of high usage. Kenergy Member Service…

Find ways to save with co-op energy efficiency programs

Summer is here… As the temperatures skyrocket, power bills seem to do the same, but you can stop them! Cutting your electric bills doesn’t have to mean buying a bunch of gadgets — or sitting alone in the dark. As a member of Kenergy, you are in a unique position to take advantage of energy…

Kenergy explains higher January bills

Several factors pushed up average January 2017 bills about 60 percent or higher, as compared to the prior year.

Those factors were members’ higher usage, loss of the reserve fund credit, billing gap recovery and a small rate increase.

  • Weather extremes affect energy bills more than any other single factor. Higher usage due to colder temperatures accounted for about 30 percent of the year-over-year increase. According to regional National Weather Service data, the same billing period a year ago was much warmer. Therefore, members used 30 percent more electricity during the same billing period this year.

Leslye Krampe joins Kenergy

On Aug. 15, Leslye Krampe started her duties as a Commercial Accounts and Economic Development Specialist at Kenergy. As such, she will serve the co-op’s commercial and industrial members in the Henderson and Marion districts. Krampe earned her bachelor’s degree in business in 2005 from Murray State University. Most recently, she held the position of…